Ideal Stallholders for this event
- Animals and Pets
- Antiques & Furniture
- Art & Design
- Baby and Children Gifts and Services
- Bath & Body
- Beauty
- Books
- Cakes & Baked Goods
- Candles and Wax Melts
- Cards & Gift Wrap
- Ceramics and Pottery
- Chocolate & Confectionary
- Clothing and Shoes
- Craft Supplies
- Cross Stitch & Tapestry
- Decopatch
- Dolls Houses & Miniatures
- Embroidery
- Event Catering & Event Entertainment
- Fabric Items
- Face Painting & Glitter Tattoos
- Floristry & Floral Arrangements
- Food and Drink
- Garden & Outdoors
- Gifts
- Glass & Mosaic
- Gothic, Steam Punk & Alternative
- Graphics, Logos & Business Cards
- Hair Accessories & Millinery
- Handbags and Accessories
- Handmade & Handcrafted
- Holistic Therapies
- Home Decor
- Jams, Chutney & Preserves
- Jewellery
- Knitting and Crochet
- Leather
- Lingerie
- Music & Entertainment
- Mythical and Fantasy
- Needle Felt & Textile Art
- Papercraft
- Party Supplies & Home Party Events
- Personalised & Customised Gifts
- Photography
- Polymer & Fimo Clay
- Preloved
- Psychic Reading
- Recycled, Ethical, Fair Trade & Organic
- Seasonal/Special Occasion
- Shabby Chic
- Sock Animals, Teddy Bears & Dolls
- Spiritual Gifts
- Stationery & Invitations
- Toys and Games
- Vintage
- Wedding
- Woodcraft & Metalwork

Salisbury Craft and Gift Market
Date: | 10/12/2023 |
Venue: | Salisbury Guildhall |
Address: |
The Market Place Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 1JH |
Event Organiser: | Mynt Image |
Organiser Contact: | Paul Bristow/George Upton |
Contact Number: | 07522523519 |
Number of Stalls: | 29 |
Customer Arrival Time: 10:00
Customer Departure Time: 16:00
Admission Price: £0.00
Customer Departure Time: 16:00
Admission Price: £0.00
Stallholder Arrival Time: 08:30
Stallholder Departure Time: 17:00
Cost of Stall: £48 to £60.00
Stallholder Departure Time: 17:00
Cost of Stall: £48 to £60.00
Event Type
Craft FairsMarkets
Event Details
Mynt Image are proud to offer one of our 'flag ship' locations once more for 2024. We have been using Salisbury Guildhall for 11 years and the event has always remained popular by both stall holders and customers . Salisbury events always attract our largest footfalls. Please be aware that our Salisbury Christmas events sell our 16 months in advanceThe Guildhall is an imposing building which overlooks the large Italian style market place. There is a bustling street market at Salisbury and our event works along side this each month, attracting crowds of people into the Guildhall.
Salisbury is always busy, both with local residents, those coming from surrounding towns and villages as well as with both British and foreign tourists. The city has many architectural and cultural draws such as Salisbury Cathedral and The Guild Hall. Tourists are brought in by coach from May until September, making this an excellent market in the summer months. .
Salisbury has always been popular with stall holders, many markets booking up over 12 months in advance.; Sales are normally very good for those who are willing to 'sell' their products. Sales in excess of �£700 have been achieved by a range of different stall holders. As with most of our events, Salisbury already has a core group of stall holders who exhibit at this location throughout the year. At each market however we do still have room for new stall holders to join the more experienced and reap the dividends which the large footfall of Salisbury can bring. Footfalls are regularly close to 1000 and often substantially more. .
If you think you sell products which would be snapped up by both locals and the tourist trade then Salisbury is the market for you. Salisbury is a good market throughout the year which is why it remains one of our most popular locations both in the summer and at
Car Parking Information
Unloading is near to the hall in New Canal Street.
Loading at the end of the day is right outside the hall steps
Unloading and loading arrangements may vary at Christmas but you will be updated by Mynt Image
Parking is in one of the Council Car parks which serve Salisbury. Parking is at present £8.80 on a Saturday, but can vary on other week days. Sponsored Advertisers