What Stallholder Packages Are Available & What Are The Costs?
All the package options are fully detailed by clicking on ‘Stallholder Subscription Rate Options’ here.
As a Stallholder Are There Any Commission Costs Or Any Additional Costs Involved?
There is no commission charge or any additional fees by Stall and Craft Collective other than your initial subscription option fee.
Can I Upgrade My Stallholder Subscription?
Yes, you can update your subscription at any time by logging into your account and clicking on the ‘Update My Subscription’ link and paying the relevant fee. A new upgraded annual subscription will be created.
How Do I Receive Payment From The Sale Of My Products & Services?
All sale proceeds are paid into your own PayPal account so when registering as a Stallholder you will need to ensure you have a fully operational PayPal account.
What Happens When My Stallholder Subscription Is Due & Can I Cancel It ?
Upon the expiry of your annual subscription, you will be automatically billed by PayPal for the following year using the same credit/debit card details or PayPal account provided at the time of your initial subscription unless you have notified us in writing that you no longer wish to use the Membership Services or have cancelled your subscription. You may cancel your membership with us at any time by selecting the Cancel Subscription link within your Stall & Craft Collective account or via your PayPal account. We don’t ask for any notice when cancelling your subscription other than it's done before the due date. No refunds will be made for unused Membership Service periods.
Can I Join As A Stallholder & Event Organiser?
Yes you can but you must register with two different emails in order to do so.
Is Stall & Craft Collective An Exclusively 'Handmade' site?
No, we welcome all Small Business Owners, Crafters and Stallholders to Stall & Craft Collective.
What Happens When A Customer Purchases One Of My Items?
The sale process is handled via PayPal. You will therefore receive a confirmation email from PayPal informing you that a purchase has been made. Contained within this email will be contact details for the purchaser along with all the relevant details pertaining to the purchased item.
The email from PayPal will also clearly state that the purchase has been made via the Stall & Craft Collective website (SACC).
You will also receive a confirmation email from Stall & Craft Collective confirming that a purchase has been made along with the details of the purchase.
Once you have received the emails, in accordance with our terms and conditions, best practice and current legislation, you must contact the purchaser confirming that you have accepted the purchase, answering any questions that may have been submitted by the purchaser and confirming an estimated delivery date.
Please also ensure you have contacted the purchaser to arrange any personalisation etc and any other relevant information should this be required.
It will be for you to then log into your account and remove or temporarily suspend from sale the item from your Marketplace if this is necessary.
All monies received from the sale will be paid directly into your PayPal account by PayPal.
How Do I Feature In The ‘In The Spotlight’ Interview?
Click on the ‘In The Spotlight’ quick link at the bottom of the homepage and then click on the option headed ‘Would you like to be interviewed?’ You will then be directed towards an instructions page.
How Do I Submit News and Views?
Click on the ‘In the Spotlight’ quick link at the bottom of the homepage and then click on the option headed ‘Do you have news and views you want to share?’ You will then be directed to an online form for completion. You can use this option to promote any sales or special offers, new products for sale, any interesting stories or advice you have to share and indeed anything else you feel may be of interest to the Stall and Craft Collective community.
What Do I Need To Include In My Delivery and Returns Policy?
You may want to consider the following:
· Method of postage/courier used.
· Estimated delivery date.
· Whether or not items can be returned if not faulty (i.e. if personalised or perishable).
Please be aware that the cancellation rights as required by law will appear as standard below your Delivery and Returns Policy for the customer to see prior to purchase.
What Are The Cancellation Rights As Required By Law?
The new period for Customers to change their minds when having purchased a product or service will now be 14 days rather than 7 days. Customers do not have to give a reason for cancelling.
Customers can use the Model Instructions for Cancellation to inform the Seller that they wish to cancel. The use of this form is not however compulsory and the Customer just needs to make a clear statement to the Seller that they want to cancel. This clear statement need not be in writing.
The 14 days for cancellation starts the day after the goods have been received or, in the case of service contracts, the date the contract was entered into. Where different goods within an order are delivered at different times the cancellation period will run from the day after delivery of the last item.
There are some goods you can't return if you simply change your mind, including:
Tailor-made, bespoke or personalised goods
Perishable and other items that deteriorate rapidly such as food and flowers
Underwear and earrings
Contracts for catering or services related to leisure activities if the contract provides for a specific date or period of performance
CDs, DVDs or software if the seal is broken on the wrapping
Services which have been fully performed (i.e. completed)
Customers should return items within 14 days of cancellation
Sellers will be able to withhold refunds until goods are returned (or evidence of return is provided) and they can reduce the amount of money refunded for goods which show evidence of use beyond the handling necessary.
Sellers should refund all monies received, including the outbound delivery cost, within 14 days of cancellation of the services contract or within 14 days of receiving goods back.
If the Customer provides proof of return before the Seller has received the goods back, the Seller should refund within 14 days of receiving that proof. If the Customer chose to have the goods delivered by more expensive means than the cheapest standard delivery option offered, the Seller does not have to refund the full outbound delivery cost, but only the cost of the standard delivery option which the Customer could have chosen.
Delivery and Risk:
Unless the Seller and Customer agree otherwise, delivery of goods should be without undue delay and within 30 days,
Risk passes from the Seller to the Customer when the goods are delivered unless the courier is not one offered or named by the Seller as an option.
No Additional Payments
Sellers will need the active consent of the Customer for all additional payments.
Please note: Where goods received are faulty or not fit for purpose or as described, Customers have different rights which are covered by separate legislation.
Copies of the legislation mentioned on this page can be purchased from Her Majesty's Stationery Office or can be accessed at http://www.legislation.gov.uk/
Please note: This information has no legal force and is not an authoritative interpretation of the law, which is a matter for the Courts. It is intended to help Sellers and Customers to understand in general terms, the main features of the legislation. The information is not a substitute for the legislation and you should refer to the text of the Regulations for a full statement of legal requirements and obligations. Where appropriate, you should seek your own independent legal advice.
Can I Add Different Product Options To My Marketplace Listings?
Yes we are very pleased to say that we have now made it possible to add product options to your marketplace listings.
This will enable you to add options such as size, colour, weight, etc. (the choice is entirely yours) as well as their corresponding sub-options, i.e. small, medium large or perhaps red, white and blue.
These options will be available to your customers in the form of a drop down box when ordering.
The customer will choose the necessary options available to them and their choices will be included in the confirmation email you receive from PayPal so that you can send out the correct order.
Just log into your account and click to edit your product description.
What Happens If I Sell An Item And Temporarily No Longer Have It In Stock?
You can suspend an item from sale. If the item in question has been sold and you are in the process of making a new one or awaiting stock, rather than delete the details relating to the item you can simply suspend it until the item is back available for sale.
What Happens If I Go On Holiday Or Need To Take A Break?
Once you have logged into your account you can now Turn ON holiday mode. Whilst your profile will still be visible your items on the Marketplace will not, thus avoiding the unwelcome situation of a customer placing an order that you can’t fulfil.
Can I Share My Stallholder Page & Marketplace Listings On Social Media ?
Yes you can share your Stall & Craft Collective page and Marketplace listings on social media by clicking the orange share+ button at the top right hand corner of your page to reveal a number of social media sharing options.
There are separate Tweet & Pinterest sharing options next to the orange share + button which you may also utilise to share.
Sharing On Your Facebook Page
If you want to share a particular product or service from the Marketplace on your Facebook page just follow these instructions:
1. Firstly make sure your Facebook page is open.
2. Then find the Marketplace page displaying the product or service you want to share.
3. Then click on the orange share+ button at the top right hand corner of the page.
4. A separate window will open entitled ‘Share on Facebook’ which will then allow you to share the item along with the option of adding narrative should you so wish.
5. Click ‘Share Link’ which will then share the service or product on your Facebook page.
Now if someone visits your Facebook page and is interested in the item you have shared all they need to do is click on the link.
You can also do this for your Stallholder Page, so if you want to share your page with all your friends on Facebook just follow the instructions as above but instead of opening the Marketplace page, open your Stallholder page.
Understanding What A URL Is :
A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the location of a file on the web. When you type the address of a web page into your browser, you are typing a URL i.e. http://www.stallandcraftcollective.co.uk/in_the_spotlight
Every page on Stall & Craft Collective has its own unique URL so you can use these to your advantage when advertising your Company, Product or Service.
When you are sending out emails why not always include your unique Stall & Craft Collective Stallholder URL as part of the message so interested parties and individuals can click the link to see your Stallholder page ?
Please read on……..
Sharing On Other Peoples Facebook Page
You can share your Marketplace item or Stallholder page on other peoples Facebook by copying and pasting the URL from the page you want to share.
1. First of all make sure the Facebook page you want to share to is open.
2. Then find the Marketplace page displaying the product or service you want to share or your Stallholder page.
3. Then copy the URL from the page i.e. http://www.stallandcraftcollective.co.uk/harriet_rose-crafts-15-stallholder and paste it on the desired Facebook page. Press Return.
4. You have now shared your post on their page
Adding Your Stallholder Page To Your Facebook Page As Your Website...Is That Possible?
If you do not have a website you can use the URL from your personal Stallholder page as your link. Just click the ‘About’ button on your Facebook page and this will show you a list of items called your ‘PAGE INFO’ including the opportunity of adding a website link. Just add your individual URL link from the top of your Stallholder page. i.e. http://www.stallandcraftcollective.co.uk/harriet_rose-crafts-15-stallholder . Now if people search for your website on your Facebook page they will be presented with this link which will direct them straight to your Stallholder page.
How do You Email A Link To Your Stallholder Page Or Marketplace Item ?
Firstly just open the required Stallholder page or Marketplace and find the ‘EMAIL A FRIEND’ button.
Just click on this and you will be presented with the following fields to complete in a new window:
Your Name: *
Your Friend's Name: *
Your Friend's Email: *
Your Message:
Once you have completed the fields click send and the link will be sent to them along with your message etc.
Can You Confirm Your Attendance At Events For Additional Free Advertising?
When you are logged into your Stallholder account find the event you are attending. Then just scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the phrase 'I am attending this event - add me to the list'. Confirmation of your attendance will then appear at the bottom of your Stallholder page as well as on the event page.
This will alert customers that may want to purchase from you on the day of the event as well as advertising your Stallholder page on the events page.
Visitors to the website who are interested in a particular event and who may be interested in the Stallholders who are attending can now click on your Stallholder link on the events page and be directed to you.
Why Won't My Stallholder Details & Marketplace Items Upload Onto Stall & Craft Collective?
In some instances copying directly from Word documents or other sources can cause an issue with the uploading of information onto the website.
When you paste the text it’s not just the text that’s being pasted as in reality it’s so much more. The pasted text contains data that tells the system exactly what font, font size, colour, margins, positions, dates/timestamps etc. were utilised in the original word document or source and this along with the meta data information can cause processing errors.
Typing the text into the available boxes or pasting into “Notepad” first, then copying from Notepad will clean the text and ensure it’s only plain text.
What Are The Full Terms And Conditions?
There is a quick link at the bottom of the homepage for our full Terms and Conditions, as well as the privacy and cookies policy.
What Should I Do If I Have A Complaint?
Should you have any complaints concerning the Goods or Services you received from a Seller you should contact the Seller to resolve the complaint. If you are dissatisfied with the response given you may contact us to inform us however we cannot guarantee that we will be able to resolve any dispute. We take complaints regarding our services very seriously and aim to acknowledge any complaint within 5 business days. All complaints concerning our services should be addressed to info@stallandcraftcollective.co.uk.
Registration is easy. Just click on ‘add your event’ button on the homepage. There are also quick links at the bottom of the homepage.
As an event organiser, it’s 100% free and registration literally only takes a couple of minutes. Once registered you will be able to give informative narratives in connection with each event, you are able to display multiple promotional images, website & social media links along with a host of other useful marketing material.
Can I Add More Than One Date To Each Event?
Yes,first of all log into your account and click on ‘ADD YOUR EVENT’
Then when the Register An Event page is open complete the Event Name & Event Type fields.
Then click on the Start and End Dates fields which will open up a calendar for you to complete.
Once you have added your initial date for the event just hover over and click on 'Click here to add more dates for this event.' which will open up the calendar again so you can add another date.
Then hover over and click on + Add Another Date to add another date should you so require and so on.
Can I Share My Event On Social Media?
You can share your event on social media by clicking the orange share+ button at the top right hand corner of the event page to reveal a number of social media sharing options. There are separate Tweet & Pinterest sharing options next to the orange share + button which you may also utilise.
How Do I Feature In The ‘In The Spotlight’ Interview?
Click on the ‘In The Spotlight’ quick link at the bottom of the homepage and then click on the option headed ‘Would you like to be interviewed?’ You will then be directed towards an instructions page.
How Do I Submit News and Views?
Click on the ‘In the Spotlight’ quick link at the bottom of the homepage and then click on the option headed ‘Do you have news and views you want to share?’ You will then be directed to an online form for completion. You can use this option to promote any sales or special offers, new products for sale, any interesting stories or advice you have to share and indeed anything else you feel may be of interest to the Stall and Craft Collective community.
Why Can't I Upload My Events Onto Stall & Craft Collective?
In some instances copying directly from Word documents or other sources can cause an issue with the uploading of information onto the website.
When you paste the text it’s not just the text that’s being pasted as in reality it’s so much more. The pasted text contains data that tells the system exactly what font, font size, colour, margins, positions, dates/timestamps etc. were utilised in the original word document or source and this along with the meta data information can cause processing errors.
Typing the text into the available boxes or pasting into “Notepad” first, then copying from Notepad will clean the text and ensure it’s only plain text.
What Are The Full Terms And Conditions?
There is a quick link at the bottom of the homepage for our full Terms and Conditions, as well as the privacy and cookies policy.
What Should I Do If I Have A Complaint?
Should you have any complaints concerning the Goods or Services you received from a Seller you should contact the Seller to resolve the complaint. If you are dissatisfied with the response given you may contact us to inform us however we cannot guarantee that we will be able to resolve any dispute. We take complaints regarding our services very seriously and aim to acknowledge any complaint within 5 business days. All complaints concerning our services should be addressed to info@stallandcraftcollective.co.uk.
How Do I make A Purchase & What Happens When I Do?
Clicking on the red 'Buy Now' button next to the details of your purchase will direct you to the Stall & Craft Collective shopping cart where you will be able to view the item (s) being purchased, the quantity, delivery costs, and total amount payable. You will also be able to review the Returns and Delivery policies applicable to each purchase along with your cancellation rights.
You will be required to confirm that you agree to our terms and conditions, at which point you can click the yellow PayPal button which will direct you to PayPal for payment.
All transactions are via PayPal, so once you have completed your purchase you will receive a confirmation email from PayPal confirming the transaction details along with the details of the seller.
You are afforded the complete consumer rights of PayPal as detailed in their Terms & Conditions.
How Do I Communicate My Personalisation Requirements Where These Are Required?
You can leave details of your personalisation requirements by clicking on ‘note to seller’ within PayPal or alternatively you can email the seller by using the message board on their stallholder page.
How Do I Contact Stallholders And Event Organisers With Queries?
Stallholders & Event Organisers in some instances provide a contact phone number but in all instances you can utilise the message board at the bottom of their Stallholder Page Or Event Listing Page.
What Are The Full Terms And Conditions?
There is a quick link at the bottom of the homepage for our full Terms and Conditions, as well as the privacy and cookies policy.
What Should I Do If I Have A Complaint?
Should you have any complaints concerning the Goods or Services you received from a Seller you should contact the Seller to resolve the complaint. If you are dissatisfied with the response given you may contact us to inform us however we cannot guarantee that we will be able to resolve any dispute. We take complaints regarding our services very seriously and aim to acknowledge any complaint within 5 business days. All complaints concerning our services should be addressed to info@stallandcraftcollective.co.uk.